Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Education Revolution

Parentivasi: Education Revolution
How children suffering from stress with the lessons in the future may not be useful at all.
They sometimes diangggap stupid, less educated only failing in school.
All because the school becomes an indicator of education,
while in school many important lessons that are not forced to learn.
Education should not always identical with the school,
and ideally a school not the only one allowed to judge whether or not a personeducated levels.
Science is divided into two, pure science and applied science.
Pure science means the science for science itself, so the benefits whoa,
while applied science means includes benefits for the life sciences.
Because no two properties are then in education must also be divided into two,
pure science because the nature of indirect beneficial for students just KNOW.
So the task is only to intrigued to go to a higher level.
Therefore, this knowledge should not be charged to the test.
If anyone interested just come majors.
While applied science must be understood and practiced a life stock.
Simple example.

There are children of Indonesia, who spoke in Indonesian, playing with Indonesian,
but did not pass the Indonesian lessons. That's odd, because the essence of languageis communication.

How could we not pass the Indonesian just because they do not understand the concept of SPOK, SP, compound sentences, KV, KVK, KKVK, etc., but everyday wespeak the Indonesian language.
What a fool whom?

The child who is fluent in Indonesian but do not know the concept of subordinate clauses, compound sentences, etc.,
but know how to use it properly,
or appraiser who put the theory of subordinate clauses, compound sentences, etc.-rise, which did not even care about these children live with the language andcommunicate with the language.
This is tantamount to not giving a certificate for swimming in shark shark swimmingstyle fails to explain what he wore.
In my opinion, knowledge SPOK, compound sentences, and the theory of language is only issued as a science is to know but not to be included in the test.
If students do not like it was not enforced, yet not very useful in life.
The funny thing is there are kids who committed suicide due to exam devastatedIndonesian language. In fact he wrote a suicide note in the Indonesian language.Tragic.
What is important in language?
Children need to be taught writing skills.
Ability to submit ideas in writing.
It is important, and many writers who do not understand SPOK reliable but sosuccessful writers.
Worse in the area of children charged again the local language, please deh.
Quite the national language and international language.
Take a look at biology lesson.
Some schools are taught about the frog organs, tissue types, etc..

But graduating from elementary school they do not understand many things that are useful for life for example, the survivor (know where the trees which are not toxic ifstranded), know how to cope with toxic gas, P3K.
They do not know how dangerous smoking, how to avoid drugs, what drugcharacteristics,
how to cope with dengue fever, how to overcome premature if there is a burn victim.
This is particularly important for life.
They do not understand how to cook rice so as not to waste his vitamin B
They did not know that milk should not be mixed hot water because calcium is damaged, etc..
Which was essential to life but not taught.
If the problem frogs, mice and so forth just to provoke interest in the proportions justintrigued just not a burden.
While useful for life must be controlled.
Children are also taught about the planets. They know the number of planets, names of planets and planet sizes.
But they were not given a lesson on global warming, loving environment, etc. thatactually relates to life. They also no preparatory lessons of the tsunami and earthquakein the curriculum.
Precisely this important science given by guest lecturers from UN (United Nations) andinternational NGOs which of course does not touch all students and is periodic only.

But affairs of the planet in the solar system that we are not in what year would bebeneficial, all students must memorize.
If just an interest, yes invited to watch a movie with my solar system, those interestedwill decide to pursue space.
We may need several hundred experts spaceman, perhaps several thousand,
but do not need tens of millions of children have to master it right?
Even if there is to know the space is precisely the ability to determine the direction ofthe compass, this is not even taught (do not be explored). Still banayak child does notknow where north, selatang, southeast, etc..
In essence, we just need a few thousand physicists.
We just need a few thousand linguists
Just need some biologists, etc..
But why hundreds of millions of children must learn, and therefore stress.
If we change the orientation of the lessons that factual, actual and selective,
while other nations are still fettered by the symbolic and conventional education,
then we would follow other nations.
We need to redefine the subject matter.
Indeed for some children who want to continue to LN so hard.
Well in just 6 months ahead of the drill in there kekejar koq!
To my children do not force them to learn.
The important thing is they work.

Especially with adalnya UAN.
6 years desperately in vain only to the failure of a test 3 days. Unfortunately ill fittingtest.
Better to 5 1 / 2 years of happy, 1 / 2 years to prepare UAN furiously.
It should start in the majors at the junior high only, not in high school too many things that are important to learn more.

So kids graduate high school are productive.
And not just physics majors, biology and social.
Today should be added Information Technology.

Create IT practitioners as much as possible because things could be made easier withIT.
High cost of corruption, tax fraud, online teaching, etc., can be assisted by IT.

If elections do not need advanced IT census, a new card and so on. Simply Smart ID card that has digital data.
Many people are currently employed by removing, say 80-90%, the lessons are useless.

Siilahkan count alone.
What is the lesson PSPB, IPBA, Literature, etc. are very influential with your current job.
Try to remember we remember all the lessons, which are useful?

Imagine we want to war.
There are two groups of people who want to recruit.
One scientist who knows the various names of the gun, knowing the distance shootingshotgun rifle out of raw materials,
they memorized the rifle was found by whom, what year, etc..
But he can not shoot, can not use weapons.
The second group is the youth group. They do not know who the gun makers, do notknow what year makes.

They can not describe the reason why a bullet can glide.
But they know how to shoot, assemble the gun, take care and use.
About which groups we carry go to war?

Now we are the next generation faces many petempuran field in economics,technology, information, etc.,
if they are fed something that is not useful in the future, we may be losing the war.
How do you think?

Anatole France:
The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
John Dewey:

The aim of education is to enable individuals to continue their education … (and) the object and reward of learning is continued capacity for growth. Now this idea cannot be applied to all the members of a society except where intercourse of man with man is mutual, and except where there is adequate provision for the reconstruction of social habits and institutions by means of wide stimulation arising from equitably distributed interests. And this means a democratic society.
Robert Fulghum: All I really need to know … I learned in kindergarten.
St. Francis Xavier:
Give me the children until they are seven and anyone may have them afterward.
Roger Lewin:
Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.